Here are the items I didn’t purchase on sale; I made some expensive decisions… oops?
I noticed boozyshop was selling OGX products which I had only recently heard about in a youtube video. I’m always looking for new hair products because I get bored easily and like to switch things up.
My hair has been really thin lately, maybe because I coloured it a few months ago, so I was looking for a thickening shampoo. I have another bottle to finish before I start this one but I’ll probably start using it when the new school year starts! If this shampoo turns out to be good I’ll be so happy because it was only 11,95 EUR and they have so many other products!
UPDATE: I love this shampoo, check out how my natural waves come through on my facebook page.
I bought some batiste dry shampoo because mine was running low and I was using baby powder and I’m not sure if I like that yet. This rose scent is one of my favourites and I definitely recommend it!
Because I had a large order, they included a little powder brush, so adorable!
The next two items have been on my wishlist for about a thousand years now: the classic pink beautyblender & the matching cleanser. It’s so much smaller than I expected it to be! I have been using the Real Techniques sponge lately and I’m not sure if I like it, the shape is definitely better than my old Sephora sponge but I think it holds too much water and it’s really difficult to squeeze it out so when you’re in a hurry you might smudge your makeup because it’s too damp, so I’ve tried using it dry and that works for concealer but definitely not for blending.
Hopefully I’ll like this sponge because it’s expensive (19,95 EUR) for such a little thing!
The four liquid lipsticks I got were a spontaneous decision! Everyone has been raving about matte liquid lipsticks and how great they are so obviously I had to buy some. I got 2 The Balm Meet Matte Hughes lipsticks (Charming & Committed) each 15,50 EUR and 2 Sleek Matte Me colours (Party Pink & Birthday Suit) each 6,99 EUR. All of these colours are so beautiful! I have tried them out and they stay on for ages and look amazing! I’m such a fan! The Balm ones are slightly more expensive even though the Sleek ones seem to stay on a bit longer. The Balm lipsticks contain a little mint flavour which makes your lips tingle!
Another item I’d been eyeing is a satin beauty pillow, satin pillows are supposed to be great for your hair because your hair slides over it rather than getting caught in the fibers. It’s also supposed be great for avoiding acne or wrinkles. I bought it mostly because of how much I’m struggling with my acne but also for my hair and of course I don’t want wrinkles when I’m older haha!
The items I got on sale were some cotton pads which were extremely cheap, some nail wheels to organize my nail polishes, a brush cleaner egg, the W7 Honey Queen blush/bronzer & a brush drying tree!
The blush seems to be really pretty but I haven’t tried it out on my face yet, I’m excited to see it because it is such a cute (& cheap) product!
I don’t know if I’ll be using the brush that came with it because I’m very fond of the brushes I use and this doesn’t seem to be of amazing quality anyway.
Hey, ik kom hier via de Facebook groep waar je dit artikel gepost hebt, en ik wou nog wat meer feedback achterlaten! Ik vind dat er een betere balans moet zitten tussen korte en lange zinnen, want zoveel lange zinnen leest niet echt lekker. Verder heb je ook enkele taalfouten ("I had been eyeing there brush" moet their zijn) en "that aren't being sold" is volgens mij niet de juiste grammaticale vorm. Ik denk dat je die "being" weg moet laten tenzij je er "currently" aan toevoegd, maar dat weet ik niet helemaal zeker. Verder nog een paar maar goed… Ik denk dat het misschien een beter idee is als je in het Nederlands schrijft? Het lettertype vind ik trouwens ook niet zo sleek als ik het normaal graag zie, maar dat is natuurlijk persoonlijke smaak! Hopelijk heb je er wat aan en zie je dit niet als een zeikreactie haha! Liefs.
Thanks voor de feedback! En wow haha domme fouten 😮 En nee Nederlands zie ik eigenlijk niet zitten, heb ook al wat lezers uit uk en usa en wil misschien later ook vloggen in het Engels! En nee hoor 😀 Liever dat ik nu bijleer en fouten verbeter 😉