Everyone that knows me can tell you I’m addicted to tea! I always love going to friend’s houses and discovering which types of tea they have, and trying out new things. So here’s a look into my current tea stash! It changes all the time, but I do have a few staples. I also show you how I store my tea!

My tea box is were I keep all ‘leftover’ tea or tea that I buy in a big box and store in my pantry. I have a few different bits and bobs in here, but I did recently take out some single tea bags that I need to use up in the next week or so, because it was getting a little messy!
Right now I have some raspberry tea that I rarely ever drink. I also have some Dragonfly tea (great for digestion), Pukka Clean Matcha Green tea and Pukka Mint Matcha Green tea, those are almost running out. The Heath & Heather Organic Lemon & Ginger I have in here for easy access because I’ve been having some throat issues. The Yellow Label Tea is mostly for my friends, so I have a big box of it in my pantry.

Heath & Heather is a brand I recently discovered and I’ve been loving these blends, the Lemon & Ginger especially. I also have Green Tea & Jasmine, Energising Morning Time and Camomile with Manuka Honey. These are all organic and the packaging is so beautiful, if I had the space in my kitchen I would love to keep this on my counter. I talk about the different blends and how I like them in this post.

Another brand I have a few teas from is Biolys, which I buy at the pharmacy (or online pharmacy). It’s also an organic brand but one that focusses specifically on health issues. I came across this when I tried out their mint tea for my stomach and a tea to drink before bedtime which I both loved. I now have one for Light Legs, the Fat burner, a Purifier and one for Cellulite. I mostly focussing on feeling light and healthy and looking that way too, so hopefully these will boost that a little bit!

Since I ran out of my other bedtime tea, I decided to try this Sleep Easy tea by Clipper, I’ve bee loving this to relax before bedtime.

I have some triangle tea bags and loose leaf teas that I prefer to store in jars, so I upcycled some Nutella jars from my flatmate (I don’t eat Nutella because I’m allergic to hazelnuts). These plastic jars aren’t recyclable so it’s best to upcycle them if you have a use for them. The plastic does make it easy to write on with a sharpie because you can easily erase it with nail polish remover!

I have some loose leaf Taiwan Gunpowder in one, but most contain triangle teabags. Keeping them in one airtight jar keeps them fresh for longer and doesn’t mix the scents!I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my pantry, if you are curious about any other things in my cupboards or any other tips on upcycling please let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!
xoxo Christine

0 Replies to “Tea Stash (+ upcycled jars)

  1. Ha, I just went to Holland & Barrett to look for some tea to give as a birthdaygift and there was a sale on the heath & heather tea, so I've bought the pomegranate and the blueberries infusion teas. The packaging is just so stunning!
    And the nutella jars hack is so genius, we don't have those though… But I've found some metal tins in the thrift shop, so I've upcycled them with a bit of chalk paint, to store loose tealeafs in!

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